This blog posting is a shout out to Dr. Mike Cadogan for starting the Global Medical Education Project. GMEP is described by Mike as “The Facebook of medicine. A place to share medical videos, discussion, questions and conversation without feeling über nerdy.” I defined GMEP as a knowledge translation and dissemination project utilizing the disruptive technology of the Internet, Web 2.0 and social media.

Mike is an emergency physician from Australia who has a passion for social media, medical education and medical informatics. Mike started the blog to promote emergency medicine and critical care education at undergraduate and postgraduate training level. Outside of medicine, he is a writer, father and ephemeral disambiguant (I don’t know what this means either).
While Dr. Joe Lex could be considered the father of FOAM (Free Open Access to Meducation) because of his 2, 100, Mike Cadogan is the Rock STAR!