This brief review will assist faculty in career advancement at Weill Cornell. More detailed information is available on the Office of Faculty Affairs website and Human Resources . All policies for academic appointment, promotion and tenure are fully documented in the College’s Academic Staff Handbook, which is the primary reference.
Faculty appointments are organized on tracks, and each track differs with regards to duties, performance expectations, and criteria for promotion.
For Faculty there are 9 tracks
Promotion Timeline

Most tracks have three ranks: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.
Some faculty ranks are not associated with a track, and include Instructor, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer. Initial appointments at the instructor level are held for only three years.
Initial appointments at the Assistant Professor level will usually be with an unmodified title that may be held for only 6 years. During annual reviews, faculty and Chairs will discuss progress to promotion, or whether faculty should move to another track that best reflects their activities (e.g., clinical track, research track, academic educator track).
Pathways to Promotion: The Office of Faculty Development will be holding seminars twice per year on Faculty Promotion. In addition, special seminars for faculty at their second or third year following initial appointment will be provided. These seminars, entitled “Let’s Move Up” will focus specifically on the criteria for promotion on each track, and will review CV preparation and documentation of academic activities.
Faculty meet annually with their Chair or designee to review the activities of the prior year. This review process, consisting of components that are web-based and with individualized meetings, will include opportunities to discuss mentorship, work-life balance and will review the faculty member’s accomplishments and progress towards promotion.