Our Professional Masters degrees represent a wide range of medical and health related fields to prepare students for direct entry into the work force or for further graduate study. Watch the GMS video and find out why current students chose our programs.
For further information on program specific curriculum please follow the links below or contact the Program Coordinator directly. A complete listing of all GMS course offerings can be found here as well as a list of our graduate faculty.
Research & Forensic Programs
The M.S. Program in Bioimaging trains individuals to fill a rapidly growing need for experts in imaging and allied science and technology career paths demanding a broad exposure to imaging modalities. Graduates of this program will qualify for positions in the healthcare and biomedical instrumentation industries, academia, and in a wide variety of private and government research centers.
Biomedical Forensic Sciences
This Program trains aspiring and mid-career professionals in a variety of forensic disciplines related to crime scene investigation and evidence analysis. Professionals trained in these disciplines are crucial to today’s comprehensive forensic investigations. Completing this degree will qualify graduates to work as forensic scientists, DNA analysts, chemists, death investigators and crime scene responders at the local, state and federal levels.
Biomedical Research Technologies
The M.S. program is a 32-credit program designed to prepare future experts with solid grasp of principles underlying research core operation and its relevance to an array of biomedical problems, as well as with technical skills to implement these technologies. Core courses include theory and research including flow cytometry, imaging, metabolic function, or proteomics, in addition to electives offered in areas related to Science Behind Technology, Business Management, and Clinical/Translational Research.
Forensic Anthropology
The Forensic Anthropology Program offers a variety of courses in forensic anthropological techniques and procedures, human anatomy, osteology, pathology, human remains recovery, death investigation, research design, expert witness testimony and forensic science. Completion of this program will prepare students to continue their graduate education in a doctoral program and/or work as a forensic anthropologist or medicolegal death investigator.
Nutrition and Metabolism
Graduate work in Nutrition and Metabolism allows you to apply your knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and genetics, as well as sociology, anthropology, health promotion, and exercise sciences to questions that are important for human health. The Master of Science in Nutrition and Metabolism is designed to provide students with the multidisciplinary knowledge needed to pursue professional studies in medicine and dentistry, as well as research careers in academia and industry.
Pathology Laboratory Sciences
The M.S. in Pathology Laboratory Sciences program focuses on both basic science and laboratory techniques of pathology and related disciplines to prepare graduates for work in basic science, biotechnology, and various biomedical research laboratories. Students will learn to prepare and evaluate animal or human cells and tissues for the effects of test compounds, devices or procedures using morphologic methods.
Community Engagement Programs
Healthcare Emergency Management
The M.S. in Healthcare Emergency Management prepares individuals to work across the spectrum of emergency and crisis management. It provides a learning environment with experience in multiple areas of biomedical sciences and health care Key areas of instruction include crisis and disaster management, risk communication, and crisis management for community based medical care, services, and support systems.
Medical Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Practice
This department trains new generations of interdisciplinary scholars and clinicians to study and engage with the growing cultural and medical pluralism that characterizes the United States, as well as other countries around the world. Coursework goes into depth in both the theories and methods of medical anthropology and cross-cultural practice, while supporting students’ own research interests and career goals.
Professional Preparation Programs
The M.S. in Medical Sciences Program introduces students to a broad range of topics in the medical sciences while strengthening their academic credentials for admission to medical, dental or other professional schools. It is a 32 cr program that can be completed in 4 semesters in either one or two years. A laboratory or literature-based thesis is required and many students elect to complete the program in 2 years, using the second year to gain valuable research experience.
Oral Health Sciences
The newly approved M.S. in Oral Health Sciences introduces students to a broad range of topics in the oral health and medical sciences while strengthening their academic credentials for admission to dental school. It is a 32 cr program that can be completed in one or two years. A capstone project or thesis is required with some students electing to use the second year to gain additional research experience.
Vesalius Program
The Anatomy and Neurobiology Department offers the Vesalius Program, a unique MA degree program concentrating on developing teaching skills in the biomedical sciences. The Vesalius Program offers small advanced teaching courses combined with one-on-one mentoring with experienced and award winning faculty to provide students with extensive mentored teaching experience.