Loma Linda University Eye Institute
We are the leading provider of eye care in the Inland Empire. The mission of our department is to excel in the areas of patient care, physician education, and clinical research. At the Loma Linda University Eye Institute, cutting edge technology and innovative surgical techniques are used to serve our patients within a Christian environment.
Research at LLUEI
As an institution, Loma Linda University Health takes research very seriously. Our world-renowned scientists are always striving to advance the understanding of human health to fulfill our mission "to make man whole". We play a pivotal role in caring for the health of our patients' eyes, and contribute a substantial amount of effort in research to fulfill that mission.
New CentraSight Treatment Program
Centrasight uses the FDA approved, Implantable Miniature Telescope, a tiny telescope implanted in the eye to improve vision and quality of life for patients with an advanced form of macular degeneration.